Friday, 5 April 2013

nuthin ta say ...

 Can't say it's been a great winter. In fact it's been a very sad winter. My mom decided after 4 months of battling illness that she would shuffle off this mortal coil.  And I've had nuthin to say.

Maybe today I do.  A little rant 'bout cold morning coffee, being cold in general and tight barn clothes.  Winter morning routine … lay in bed; read a book, scratch a cat; roll outta bed; find sweater; make coffee; turn on news; fire up facebook.  New spring routine … get dressed, completely ! Find many sweaters;  make coffee to go for two; try to open the door with two coffees in hand.

River, new horse at the barn, having his breakfast
Its cold out !  And windy! What happened to Spring?  I realize last year was too warm, too fast but it was nice … Fields dried up nicely, played in the garden, lovely.  Every morning its minus 6, bah! I think I will have extra maple syrup on my pancakes because thats the only good thing about it.

So every morning I get out there, reluctantly… but once I'm there I'm happy.  All the horses nicker good morning to me (more like "there you are, 'bout time!" lol) Vern and I have a routine that gets horses fed, cats fed, (surprisingly Vern does that) all blankets on, most days anyway. There have only been a few nice days that the horses have been naked.  It takes an hour but it's an hour that charges me up.

Lily and Vern enjoying the one nice day we had

Heather returns soon.  My mornings will be my own again.  I will luxuriate in sleeping in and reading facebook with my coffee in my pyjamas again :) big smile.  Soon Vern and Heather will be off to work and the alarm will go at 5:30 …BUT hopefully it will be warm! 

As sick as Mom was and as little as she remembered, she always remembered Willy and his antics.  She liked horses very much and told me stories of her mother's horse who was a retired circus horse.  If Norma (my grandmother) was unfortunate to be uptown when a parade went by, her horse joined the parade no matter what. Hilarious!
Memorial for Pat Taylor in Gravenhurst on April 13, 2013