Wednesday, 22 May 2013

Mossi Scale 1 to 5

The Mossi scale 

0 - being the days when there is a good blanket of snow and no bugs in sight … and maybe April when the little blighters haven't been hatched yet

1 - There are days, here in the woods when there are only a few skeeters… like in a driving rain.  A one on the scale denotes when the mosquito level is tolerable. A few swats and brushes and you can still sit and drink a beer outside.

2 - Nice day, sun is shining, warm, light breeze, probably if you stayed in the sunshine, you'd be okay

3 - A beautiful summer day and you have to keep moving or black flies, skeeters, deer flies or horse flies will make you uncomfortable. Probably a jumpy night by the fire.  Many new little friends in the bedroom, making sleep difficult ....neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
A good day for repellent, a must for evening.

4 - Dancing Days... Doing the Muskoka Wave.  The days where you are constantly waving your arms, jumping up and down, swattin yerself.  Heavy layer of repellent, enough to damage your future kids, bug hats or the whole dam bug suit, or just forget it and hole yerself up inside and look out,  just like winter.

5 -  Days when black flies, mosquitoes, deer flies AND horse flies are all out together. It happens ,,, get outside, get your shit done!  Get back inside! Keep your mouth closed, long sleeves, socks, lots of bug spray.

Tuesday, 21 May 2013

Here it is … The Mossi Scale

The Mossi Scale, kinda like the Richter Scale, will rate the degree of horrendousness of the day's bugs.

First of all, we must list the bugs:            

Black flies  This is for Heather and Jenn 
the black flies, the little black flies,
Always the black fly no matter where you go;
I'll die with the black fly a-pickin' my bones,
In North Ontar-i-o-i-o, in North Ontar-i-o.

Most black flies gain nourishment by feeding on the blood of mammals, including humans, although the males feed mainly on nectar. Eggs are laid in running water, and the larvae attach themselves to rocks.They will pupate under water and then emerge in a bubble of air as flying adults. Mature adults can disperse tens or hundreds of kilometres from their breeding grounds in fresh flowing water, under their own power and assisted by prevailing winds. Swarming behaviour can make outdoor activities unpleasant or intolerable, even non-biting clouds of black flies, whether composed of males or of species that do not feed on humans or do not require a blood meal before egg laying, can form a nuisance by swarming into orifices. (gak I have eaten a few!) They  tend to zero in on areas of thinner skin, such as the nape of the neck or ears and ankles.

Generally, the black flies start to be aggressive around mid to late may and then die back by mid June or so. However, the skeeters tend to pick up in late may and are pretty numerous through June… Soooo that brings us to 

Skeeters The word mosquito (formed by mosca and diminutive, ito) is from the Spanish  for "little fly" Over 3,500 species of mosquitoes have been described from various parts of the world. Adult mosquitoes usually mate within a few days after emerging from the pupal stage. In most species, the males form large swarms, usually around dusk, and the females fly into the swarms to mate.

Males typically live for about a week, feeding on nectar and other sources of sugar. After obtaining a full blood meal, the female will rest for a few days while the blood is digested and eggs are developed. This process depends on the temperature, but usually takes two to three days. Once the eggs are fully developed, the female lays them and resumes host-seeking.

Mosquitoes are abundant, beginning in mid to late May and last longer than blackflies (usually into July). 

Then we are confronted with Deer flies ... they should be out pretty soon.
Trying to kill them has a low success rate, at least for me. Wearing a hat works for a while, until they decide that hitching a ride on it will not get them fed. That's when they dive down on your back and bite you through the shirt or start making loud, high speed circling runs before landing on the back of your neck.
Deer flies are a genus that belongs to the family commonly called horse-flies, betcha didn't know that. While female deer flies feed on blood, males instead collect pollen (awww ain't that sweet?)
When feeding, females use knife-like mandibles  to make a cross-shaped incision and then lap up the blood. Their bite can be extremely painful, no kidding!  Pain and itch are the most common symptoms (knew that!) 
Deer flies seem to be attracted to moving objects and dark shapes. They attack humans especially around the face and neck areas, four to five deer flies attack at one time (HOLY CRAP).

And that brings us to this frigger

They feed on the blood of cattle, horses, mules, hogs, dogs, deer, other warmblooded animals, and humans. These horse flies cut through the skin with their knife-like mouthparts and suck the blood for several minutes. When they fly away, a drop or two of blood usually exudes from the wound, permitting secondary feeding sites for other nuisance insects. 

Horse flies are considerably larger than deer flies, heavy bodied, with huge heads (large eyes in males) and from 3/4 inch to over an inch long and often have brilliant green eyes. The eyes are sometimes crossed with reddish-gold bands (last year was the first time I'd seen these green eyed monsters).

No satisfactory methods have been developed for control of horse and deer flies. It's impractical in most regions to eliminate the breeding areas, draining marshes and wet meadows where flies develop.  Fortunately, the season for deer flies is rather short, usually four to five weeks in June or July, and three to four weeks in August for horse flies. If the problem lasts six to eight weeks, there may be several species present or that species lasts longer than most. Humans are better able to protect themselves than wild or domestic animals by swatting flies away and by using repellent.

The greatest deer and horse fly activity occurs on warm, sunny days when there is little or no wind. A slight drop in temperature or a sudden breeze reduces biting attacks. 

Not all words here are mine, as a matter of fact, only a few are (the ones in italics, lol) To be continued...

Wednesday, 1 May 2013

ahhhh Spring ...

what can ya say?  Everybody's got a new mud coat.  There must be something totally delightful about getting right down in the mud and rubbing, and I mean hard... that only horses and three year olds know about.

Barley.  His owner could see his mud coat from the road as she drove in.

The birds are back. The red wing black birds along the creek are perched on last years rushes, telling each other tales of their winter.  The killdears are telling us to move out of the barn yard now now now! Flocks of geese are nibbling up good things in the hay fields.  Startled horses staring at the birds, startled geese staring back.  Soon we will be watching for the nestings.  Geese and turkeys will begin their territorial warfare across the hay field to see who wins the right to stand on the rock.  One day two geese, four day 10 turks, 40 geese.

Still waiting for the return of the barnswallows.

"The Committee on the Status of Species at Risk in Ontario (COSSARO) has added the Barn Swallow to the list of Threatened species to be regulated under the Endangered Species Act, 2007 (ESA)."

Hopefully the sandhill cranes will come back. We had a bit of a todo with them last year.  One got hurt and was very reluctant to let Jenn help.  Very reluclant, Dangerously reluctant.

Jon, feeling all handsome in his mud coat
Jacey, his paddock mate, clean and pretty…
 I wonder if she is impressed with Pig Pen there.
Maybe he did it for Penny?