First thing in the morning, which is second thing for the horses because Heather has already been there hours before and fed them breakfast, okay ... when I walk in, first thing I hear is quiet nickering. Some of my four legged friends are saying "hello" or "its about time!"
The next thing I hear is all the stomach rumination of everybody's horse with my head pressed against bellies as I fish around for straps on blankets. I can hear all sorts of gurgling and grumbling. Is that normal? What's going on in there? Does your mom know 'bout this?
Overhead a small army charges by. The sound of sixteen little paws trooping out of their hidey hole, running downstairs from the hay loft, looking for breakfast. They are very loud, considering how small they are.
Then there is a terrific banging. Ben or Lily, one of them is getting impatient and is kicking the stall door. "BEN" I bellow. Champagne rattles her door.
Slurp, slurp, Jon is sucking his lips, I think. I don't exactly know what he is doing but it's annoying. I bellow at him too.
Zoom, slide, bang, stall doors open. Clump clump, geldings go out. Tingle tingle, chain on the gate as I open it up to the paddock. Clippity clippy, mares go out.
I watch for a while. Their morning "hi, how are ya" to each other is often amusing. On this day the snow was falling quite heavily. There was a silence that you could feel in the heaviness of the snow. A dampening of all noise.
Gotta get moving, there's work to do.
I start mucking stalls. I rarely, I mean never, do all the stalls. I figure I am there to help and anything I do is a help. There is a slow plop plop sound. I say slow because it's the sound of poo balls slowly rolling out of a wheel barrow that is too full and back on to the ground. Too full because I don't want to wheel my barrow out to the manure pile when I have just a bit left to go, plop plop, arrrrrggg
In the evening, when the horses are all back in, there is a slurp slurp, ten times over as all the horses eat their supper. It is very loud and earnest, like it has been days since their last meal not hours.
Standing in the barn at the end of the day, the last thing to hear is a quiet grind grind grind as the horses eat their hay. Its a lovely peaceful sound.