Sunday, 9 December 2012

ahhhh Saturdays...

I must admit, as a stay at home mom, a domestic goddess, Saturdays are kinda just another day with a few more people around.  Working in the mornings at the barn as given me back a sense of Saturdays, a delicious day to sleep in, move slowly, savour the coffee…  I often feel as if I should call Heather and thank her but as she is the one up and at 'em at the barn on these wonderful days, I probably should just keep it to myself.

Saturdays are the days when I don't have any decisions to make and am not responsible for any other creatures beside Vern.  

The weather is turning colder and our third batch of barn kitties are wondering what the heck happened.  "It was warm and we frolicked and now it's cold and horrible."  I stole one of the older barn cats and brought him home.  He just lays on the couch and purrs and purrs.  He is absolutely putting up with all the nonsense and noise from my other two cats so he doesn't have to go back to the barn.

Sylvester was a house cat who came to live at the barn.  He is very glad to be a house cat again.

Ahhh gotta feed the birds now. Always somebody...horses, cats dogs, birds, squirrels ...Vern

I want to add a post script here to all the amazing women who work for a living and find time to get everything done.  I am in awe of you and always have been.  Cheers

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