Thursday, 13 June 2013

Early Days...

First there was Willy.  He came the first July Heather had the farm. He was about 6 months old and the cutest thing.  Lincoln came in November.  My job was to open the big doors, open the stall doors and stand back.  There was only one paddock then, easy peasy.  I came with my coffee and in my pyjamas.

The next two stalls were built over the winter and were filled April 30 ... Heather went back to work May 1st!  Vern and I were left to the first turn out with two mares, one big studdy gelding and one little pony stallion, with a big attitude!  There were two paddocks at this time.

The two mares took off into the paddock and galloped at full speed for an hour and a half.  One of the girls was a draft cross and young.  It sounded like thunder as they galloped across the field. The whole thing freaked Vern and me out.  We have no idea why they did it, it has never happened since but I am prepared for it when a new horse comes.  It is my standard at which I expect all new introductions to be.

Finally,  they settled down. I don't know if we put hay out or not. It's my go to fix these days.  Anyway, we decided it was now time to let the boys out.  At first, lots of smelling and kissing over the fence.  Awww, ain't that cute.   I stood back, way back, but Vern was right in there with his camera phone getting close up kissy face shots.  

That's about the time the kissing stopped and squealling and biting and climbing the gate started.

Some of the squealling was now coming out of Vern.  Being in the thick of it got him kicked in the knee by Willy.  I tried real hard not to wear my "I told you" face but hey, if you can't figure out worst case scenio ...

Willy became more and more of an issue as he got older.  Thank goodness he is only 5 feet tall.  I think he deserves his own story told, but back to the girls...
The girls settled, down, everybody settled down, enough that we could leave them, uneasily.  An electric wire was quickly installed to keep the little rutter inside his pen.  A new board added to the fence after it was kicked down. And equally as quick, Vern and Ed built a new paddock.  

To be continued...

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