Tuesday, 19 May 2015

The most Dangerous Animal

The potential for danger when dealing with a nine hundred to twelve hundred pound "omg dont eat me" animal is always one crazy moment away. Something tangled in their tails can set off a forward moving reaction that there is no stopping; an unexpected movement of a tarp can result in a head injury; a calm steady horse can go upside down in the cross ties over an unexpected move. There have been a couple of serious and expensive horse injuries in the paddocks from kicks over dominance. All experienced horse people have horrific stories of loss, injuries or mayhem. But the most frightening thing in the horse barn is the 150 lb knowitall who thinks these big animals are all kind and sweet natured and get along with everything. Oh my goodness, when I think to all the well intentioned mistakes Vern and I have made over the last five years ... To quote a great man, my father, "a little knowledge is a dangerous thing".

Humans and our pets, mostly dogs and cats, are predators. That's a behaviour we understand. Horses on the other hand are prey animals and they think differently.  They are a herd animal and they think differently. And people who haven't seen a horse go though a fence, or step on a lead line, or rear up in the cross ties and go over backwards, don't think about the worse that can happen and follow simple steps to avoid problems. They needlessly put themselves or their horse or others in potential dangerous situations from lack of horse sense.

A lesson from my go to guy, Monty Roberts, from his book The Man Who Listens to Horses, "It sounds obvious, but its critical to remember that given the slightest excuse a horse will say, 'I don't want to be near you. I feel there is danger if I stay!' The flight animal wants only to reproduce and survive; fear is the tool that allows him to survive. This has to be respected in any dealings with a horse, or he will be misunderstood."

There isn't a fence (let's face it, a fence is just an idea, if they want over it or through it, they are going!) or a 150 - 200 lb person going to stop them. Let's all work together to not put the horses in a dangerous situation.

Again from Monty Roberts, "While horses are friendly, mis-treatment and fear can render them hostile, and caution should be used if you are unsure of a horse's tem-perament."

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