taking lessons but if there were any problems Michelle dealt with them. This crazy white horse was now Heather's problem. At thirteen she was bound and determined to make him into a showhorse. First things first, big fight over the bit. She fought him and fought him. I was terrified and got in an empty stall and shut the door. I yelled to her to put him away, she was going to get hurt. NO, she said, grittin her teeth, HE'S GOING TO DO IT! He did, she won but I was stunned, at her determination and his and my strong sense of self preservation and lack of maternal instinct... sorry Heather, you're on your own!
Penny, standing alone in the barn, is a quivering mess. I was expecting the worse but things never got out of hand. Penny kept it together when she realized Heather meant business, enough to get brushed, feet picked, saddle on. Once outside, different horse, calm, cool, collected. Penny did everything she was asked and got plenty of praise for it.
Good girl! I mean that for both of them!
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