Monday, 1 July 2013

I am the old farm wife

After Jenn got me excited about gardening again, I got thinking more and more about Jenn's back to the land ideas.  I learned more about canning, more than just making jam from summer berries.  I bought a book on root cellering, not all my attempts have been sucessful. I have plans for a pressure cooker this year so I can preserve more.  Judging from the happy bean plants in the garden,  I'm going to need it (one can only eat so many hot pickled beans). I do believe we need to relearn the things our grandmothers knew. When the crew is working in the hay fields, I am in my kitchen  cookin' up vittles, if that ain't the definition of the old farm wife, it sure feels like it!

The first September when the garden was finished I learned how to knit socks.  All fall and winter now I am furiously knitting socks.  It helps with the old farm wife physique. When someone needed to find a home for two lambs, I even toyed with the idea of shearing and spinning my own wool.  After spending some time googling, that idea was quickly abandoned.  The lambs never arrived, which was a good thing with wolves and coyotes around, it would have been too much to worry about.

So here I am, dirty feet and dirty hands, brown skinned.  Heather looks like she stepped out of a country music video, I look like I need a great apron, sensible shoes and grandkids hahaha. Just a joke, girls!

Woo wee, I must still have it, or a bit of it... handsome old guy, my age, carried my baler twine out to my car for me. Hahaha Life is Good!

1 comment:

  1. Karen,
    I have actually not had much luck with the pressure canner myself. I tried canning pumpkin & squash but then realized that storing it in the root cellar is a lot simpler. Something else you might want to try is drying certain fruits/veggies. There are a number of websites & books which provide instruction on how to make your own dryer too - it doesn't need to me expensive or use any electricity.
    Jenn Stark.
